Saturday, September 30, 2006

Crazy comments from the little dude (not all today, more of an archive situation);

  • W;I'm fed up! I quip! (me; what are you fed up with?) I'm fed up with your attitude mama...What's attitude mean?

  • There you go, my silent lady (upon bringing me a pepsi max)

  • S; Sit down on your bottom W! (he was mucking around on the couch and being a pest) W; I can't, I'm allergic to angry adults.

  • (after S had a haircut)- I like daddies long hair, not this new spikey hair, it's just too funky for me to look at.

  • me, to S; "you're a dork!" (in response to some lame thing he said) W; We are dorks! Daddy and W,we are both dorks together!

  • and finally, my favourite; *sings* This old man, he played one, he played nick nack on a drum, with a nick nack paddy whack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home...Mama, is this song about Uncle Tom? COMEDY!

And of course, today, it is with great sadness that we announce that the mighty swans failed to triumph today. Still, it could have been worse...We could have lost to Adelaide, making life here somewhat unbearable! There's always next year hey.

Not much news for us. Being the saddo's that we are, S and I played board games and watched Iron Chef...I went for a lovely walk along the river torrens this morning, saw all the new baby fluffy and cute! Heading into a long weekend (good) and school holidays (not so good, parks and usual hangouts packed with the dreaded "big kids" who are rough and tough) and of course no playgroup or pre-school...Let the fun begin!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Time for a rhyme

Little man is somewhat obsessed with rhyming words this week. He walks up and says "what about this one- car and far" and so on and so forth. He was waiting for his dinner, and we were talking about things. There was a pause in conversation, and I said "so whatta you know, Joe?" (afterwards I had to explain to him that yes, I knew his name, but that know and Joe rhyme, which is why I said it).

Later on, once dinner was finished, he dropped his plate into the sink, turned to me, and said "so whatta you know, ho"...try explaining why that's funny, but why he can't say it outside of home.

Not much in the way of other news. We went to playgroup today, and had party food, because it's the start of school holidays. We're heading off to the markets to get some yummy food tomorrow. I love market day! So does little man, he loves nicking fresh fruit samples from all the sellers, as well as samples of anything else he feels like asking for!

Thought I'd also take the time to say here that there are things that happen in my day which remind me of my friends, and I thought I'd share them here;

when out walking- I'm thinking about Kate, because I'm listening to tracks from Wild 1, like JellyHead and On The Bible

when wearing Tommy girl- I'm thinking about Tristan and the late 90's in Berry St

when at playgroup- I'm thinking about my bud Jill, and about Cathy, and wishing they'd move to Adelaide

when in the op shop- I'm thinking about Joey, and how I'd love to have a bargain hunter here with me, and of course, I have a few group photos near the door, and so I see them and think of everyone often.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The sickness verdict is ear infection and tonsillitis. Fun and games! Hopefully he'll start to feel better soon.

Funny quote from the boy today; My tummy hurts! (me; it's probably trying to tell you that you need to go to the toilet) So he wanders off, and the next thing you know, I see him looking down at his tummy, and saying "You know, if you'd stop telling me all the time, I might have a chance to listen!

Not much in the way of news and reviews. Looking forward to the weekend! C'arn the swans!

To pad out this post, I thought I'd post the top 5 places I'd travel to right now, upon winning unlimited money and childcare of course!

1.Canada - heard it's beautiful,and it'd be great to catch up with Kate!
2.Gallipoli- I've always wanted to go, almost a bit like a pilgrimage really.
3.Bora Bora
4.The maldives.
5.Africa- I've always wanted to go on safari.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Stupid Government!

Ok, let me preface this by saying I am grateful to live in a country where I can write things like "stupid government" without fear of retribution. Many people don't have that freedom, which is why I am also grateful to the supporters of Amnesty International, who work to fight human rights abuses worldwide.

On with the rant!

Got 3 letters from Centerlink about Family Assistance today. On one of them, they took the time and effort to write and let me know that they overestimated my child care benefit payment, and that I now had to pay them back, to the tune of $0.00... Righty-o. So you paid someone's salary for the 20 minutes or so it took to look up information and format the letter. You then paid to post the letter to me, just to let me know that I owe you...Nothing?? Top work there guys.

That little incident came hot on the heels of a summons for Stephanie Siao, who is ordered to appear in court , to contest an unpaid fine... for an un-registered (and obviously invisible, and self caring) dog, in a council we don't even live in.

Gah. Bureaucracy sucks!

Little guy was up again last night, another fever. Have kept him home from pre-school today. He's ok, not too inactive, and still eating well and mucking about. I'm like the walking dead today, pottering round the house at half speed. Head off to the airport this afternoon, as Steph has been up in sunny Brisbane for the day (lucky bugger!) It's FREEZING here today...12.8 degrees as I write!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Funday

So our mystery date was at Comix, Adelaide's original comedy cellar...The food was crap, the drinks were overpriced, and the comedians were overall pretty funny. It was my first comedy club experience, and I think I would go again, but eat somewhere else...I am also thinking it might be fun to go and see some comedians during the fringe festival, which I am really looking forward to. If anyone is planning to come visit us, I highly recommend coming during the fringe, it's awesome!

Anyway, we came through the front door after our date, to hear a little voice calling from his room. I went in and he was shivering so much I thought he was having some sort of fit...Took his temp and it was fine (36.9), so I sat with him for an hour, all wrapped up in a blanket, and sang to him. He looked up at me and said "mama, I love it when you scoop me up, and snuggle me, and sing me that lullaby" AWWW! So that's how to melt hearts at 1am, just in case anyone is wondering. He spiked a fever, so we dosed him up and he slept with us, which was fine. No fever this morning, but he's very tired and shy, not himself at all.

We went to Little Athletics, and signed him up to Tiny Tots, which runs each week from 9-11. They do running races, egg and spoon games, balancing, as well as junior versions of things like discus, highjump etc. Junior is in a group with 3 kids he knows from pre-school/playgroup, and the other kids all seem pretty good.

First post!

Man I hope this works!

So the idea of this blog is to keep everyone up-to-date with the life and times of our little crew, down here in Adelaide, perhaps with some witty, observational humour thrown in.

I also plan on including photos, jokes, and quips from the little guy, who talks some of the funniest nonsence I have ever heard!

But, just for today, I will keep this short, in case it doesn't work.

What's news for us?

The Swans won and made it to the grand final! WHOOT! Part of me wants the Crows to beat the Eagles today, just so I can gloat when Adelaide loose to the mighty red and white...but part of me hopes the Eagles win, just for a better and more exciting match when the Swans win next week...Oh the agony of indescision!

We are headed out tonight on a "mystery date" to celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary...Looking forward to that.

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we are going to give Junior a crack at Little Athletics, which I think he'd enjoy. In the afternoon, I am heading off to watch "The Devil wears Prada"...a friend from playgroup had free tickets...

So there you go people, that's what's happening in our world!