Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Daylight savings


I hate waking up at 5 20...I hate waking up at 6 20 too,but that would be considered a luxurious sleep in compared to 5 20.

A pox on the person who invented daylight savings, and the effervescent toddlers who punctuate its mornings.

That is all.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Our weekend

We went to watch A LOT of things/events as part of the World Police and Fire Games, and the Fringe Festival.

On Saturday, Stephane went with Will to meet up with Jamie and Roger (the Scottish friends!), to watch the Dragon Boats and some buskers

On Sunday, we watched wrestling, more dragon boats, and some ice hockey, which was very, very cool! In honour of Will's fabulous god mother, we were "rooting" for Vancouver, and the guys were nice enough to pose for some photos for us;

We had a very fine weekend indeed.
Today, Will and I watched some Rugby (where we met a real New York Fire Fighter (Wiggles reference there, will mean something to those with kids!) and some more ice hockey. Later on the week,we will be going to "Ultimate Fire Fighter"...and it's all free! WHOO HOO!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I want this to not be hanging over my head anymore! I hate being in a position where I have to just wait and see if the world as I know it will come crashing down around my ears. There are a few people who will read that and know in an instant what I'm talking about, a few that wont, and one in particular who I wish did know, but it isn't my place to tell them.

I remember feeling like this when mum went out of remission- I kept thinking "god, if she is going to die, would you just let it happen already! Then I can deal with it, then I can know for sure what the "right" thing to feel is". And of course that sounds selfish and indulgent and whatever else.

I hate how powerless I feel. I know I have a choice- I can't change the fact that that is, indeed, the very nature of the journey. That, as someone wise once said, "life is what happens when you're making other plans". My choice is in how I deal with it. Do I say "oh my gosh, this is driving me nuts and so on and so forth" or do I say "que sera sera, can't do much, may as well go with the flow."

Gosh, today I wish so much that I could go back to a time where things were so much more simple, when the biggest call I had to make was something so minor. The thing is, those things seemed major to me at the time.My prayer is that one day I will look back on this time and think "Wow, I can remember feeling like *this time* was going to suck, and you know what? It did suck for a while, but it lead to *this non sucky direction I cant see right now*, and I never would have had that chance without *this sucky time*"

And the thing is, I might not even have anything to worry about yet, but a situation which wasn't even on my radar has become a complete possibility, and, well, I don't like it.

Anywho, keep us in our thoughts and prayers, that someone up there knows what they're doing.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Here's a tip...

Want to know the scariest thing about being a parent? All of a sudden, you are the grown up. You are the one that is supposed to protect the house and home, you are the one who is supposed to just "know" what to do...And it makes it even more scary when "your" grown ups admit that they STILL don't know what they are doing, and they never really did.

Shhh, trade secret apparently, just thought I'd give you guys the heads up!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Advertisment for Parenthood

Fed up with all that troublesome "free" money lying around? Do your days and nights seem to be overly busy with adult conversation, socialising, and spontaneity? Then you might like to try...


Yes, that's right, having kids! For the small price of $29.99, we can send you our comprehensive package, which details everything you need to know about making, baking, and not forsaking these adorable little poppets.

Topics covered include;

*Your new baby...where is the off switch anyway?
*Surviving on 10 minutes of sleep per day.
*Maintaining your love life (What's your name again? Yes, you, with the vomit stain)

*Pureed food; it's consistency, flavour, and use as an art medium.
*Poo 101; yes, it is possible to form new friendships based on this subject alone.
*What to do when you don't know what to do.

*Claiming your child in public (Little Lucifer is quite advanced, he's biting at a 4 year old level)
*Playing the game (yes, Jonty is wearing this seasons Dior, how kind of you to notice)
*Surviving the advice

Also available, for the price of $99.99, our tips, topics, and tantalising series on how to do everything else "parent", including, but not restricted to;

*Flying with kids; Why you will never feel more like you are undergoing some bizarre form of surreal torture, bonus being, there is no escape.
*Holidays with kids; where you find out that it is cheaper to be boo'd, poo'd and spewed on at home!
*Dealing with dilemmas; Why is that man kissing that other man, how come that man has no hair, check out that lady, she's fatter than an elephant...

Have kids today folks, I tell you, it will change your life. And with our easy guide, it's no harder than a degree in astrophysics. All this for minimal to no reward! Don't delay, sign up today!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Makes you think

Some friends of ours, who are really great people, received some shitty, life changing news today. The kind of news that makes you look at your partner and think "at least we have our health." These are good people, people who would give to others at their own expense.

And it lead me to think of how many people have so much, and instead focus on what they don't have, or what they wish they could have.

So here is my open letter to the world;

Those of you who have a "home" to go to, a place with family or close friends, a "room at the inn", give thanks. Know that, if worst came to worst, you'd have somewhere to go, and people who would love you, not judge you.

Those of you for whom that "home" is the one you grew up in, and the people there are your parents, you are blessed beyond measure! Knowing you can call someone on the other side of the country or world and get support, it still isn't quite the same as curling up on your old bed, in your old room, and having your mum or dad there beside you.

Those of you who have stable employment, who know where the next dollar is coming from, who are just "rolling along"...Please, cherish that fact. Not everyone is so lucky.

Those of you who have partners, for all their flaws, they are there for you, beside you, in good and bad times. Maybe focus more on the good, and try and enjoy those times. That is what gets you through the bad times.

Those of you who have someone to call, at 3am, who you wouldn't be embarrassed to wake up over something that may be perceived as nothing, rejoice! Friends are a true comfort.

Those of you who have little ones, hug them a little tighter, because before you know it, they will be grown, and have problems enough of their own.

Your whole world can change in the blink of an eye. It sounds so cliched, and until you have lived it, you will never know. But please, take it from someone who does...Laugh often, live well, love much, because when you wake up tomorrow morning, it could all be taken away, and you will need those memories to keep you going.

Ironic thought

I don't know why this came to me, but it did;

I want to know why, when you are "most giving" to your kids (baby and toddler years), it is that they won't remember. Conversely, why is it that the teenage years, where some of the most challenging things come up, happen when your memories seem to be strongest.

rhetorical question/s