Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Makes you think

Some friends of ours, who are really great people, received some shitty, life changing news today. The kind of news that makes you look at your partner and think "at least we have our health." These are good people, people who would give to others at their own expense.

And it lead me to think of how many people have so much, and instead focus on what they don't have, or what they wish they could have.

So here is my open letter to the world;

Those of you who have a "home" to go to, a place with family or close friends, a "room at the inn", give thanks. Know that, if worst came to worst, you'd have somewhere to go, and people who would love you, not judge you.

Those of you for whom that "home" is the one you grew up in, and the people there are your parents, you are blessed beyond measure! Knowing you can call someone on the other side of the country or world and get support, it still isn't quite the same as curling up on your old bed, in your old room, and having your mum or dad there beside you.

Those of you who have stable employment, who know where the next dollar is coming from, who are just "rolling along"...Please, cherish that fact. Not everyone is so lucky.

Those of you who have partners, for all their flaws, they are there for you, beside you, in good and bad times. Maybe focus more on the good, and try and enjoy those times. That is what gets you through the bad times.

Those of you who have someone to call, at 3am, who you wouldn't be embarrassed to wake up over something that may be perceived as nothing, rejoice! Friends are a true comfort.

Those of you who have little ones, hug them a little tighter, because before you know it, they will be grown, and have problems enough of their own.

Your whole world can change in the blink of an eye. It sounds so cliched, and until you have lived it, you will never know. But please, take it from someone who does...Laugh often, live well, love much, because when you wake up tomorrow morning, it could all be taken away, and you will need those memories to keep you going.


Andrew Alexander said...
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Kate Alexander said...

Hey Honey!
You are so right about focusing on the positive aspects of life, and in particular who we spend it with!
I'd love to chat again on the phone, you up for a call next week sometime?