Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The sickness verdict is in...an ear infection and tonsillitis. Fun and games! Hopefully he'll start to feel better soon.

Funny quote from the boy today; My tummy hurts! (me; it's probably trying to tell you that you need to go to the toilet) So he wanders off, and the next thing you know, I see him looking down at his tummy, and saying "You know, if you'd stop telling me all the time, I might have a chance to listen!

Not much in the way of news and reviews. Looking forward to the weekend! C'arn the swans!

To pad out this post, I thought I'd post the top 5 places I'd travel to right now, upon winning unlimited money and childcare of course!

1.Canada - heard it's beautiful,and it'd be great to catch up with Kate!
2.Gallipoli- I've always wanted to go, almost a bit like a pilgrimage really.
3.Bora Bora
4.The maldives.
5.Africa- I've always wanted to go on safari.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your kids a cack!