Friday, January 12, 2007

My Top 5's

My top 5 favourite "junk" foods;
1. Peanut Butter M & M's
2. Hawaiian Pizza
3. Lindt Balls
4. HOT chips!
5. Reese's PB cups

My top 5 ways to spend my day;
1. Without a pre schooler ( *grin*)
2. Having a massage/pedicure/spa treatment
3. With girlfriends...I miss having girl friends to chat with!
4. Shopping, provided I have cash to splash!
5. Scrapbooking /playing Sims ( I go through stages)

My top 5 favourite children's books;
1. Anything by Lynley Dodd
2. The ... for a day series by DK books
3. Charlotte's Web
4. Olivia
5. The Velveteen Rabbit

My top 5 places I'd like to visit;
1. Gallipoli
2. Canada
3. US
4. Maldives
5. Bora Bora

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